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Prompter: prompts https://prompts.co.kr/prompts

Picture's Description

프롬프트걸 셀카찍기!

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    (leaning selfie pose:1.4), (Focus on face, from above:1.3), (upper body:1.3), promptsgirl, (masterpiece:1.3), (intricate details:1.2), (best quality:1.2), sharp focus, RAW, 8K UHD, High definition, High quality texture, detailed texture, finely detailed, high detail, extremely detailed cg, High quality shadow, a realistic representation of the face, beautiful detailed, (high detailed skin, skin details), Detailed beautiful delicate face, Detailed beautiful delicate eyes, a face of perfect proportion, Depth of field, Cinematic Light, Lens Flare, Ray tracing, perspective, (photorealistic:1.2), (1girl:1.4), (((Korean makeup method, korean celebrity, korean beauty, beauty kpop idol/18-year-old Korean girl))), (solo:1.5), small face, ((((short wavy|long|mediumhair))):1.05), (long eyes, blush, slender nose, high-end nose, red lips), (realistic luminary skin:1.3), beautiful body, (large breasts, slim waist), perfect anatomy, perfect body, perfect body composition, perfect face, perfect eyes, perfect arms, perfect hands, perfect fingers, perfect navel, thigh gap, Best ratio Four fingers and one thumb, (perfect figure:1.4), intricate detail, (((((yellow|white|blackA-line silk dress)))):1.05), (((((sky blue|redcardigan)))):1.05), (((hyperrealistic-matte painting/Han River Park, lawn, sunlight reflected on the water surface, ))), epic composition, epic scenery, DSLR, perfect lighting, (realistic, photo-realistic:1.2), Realistic photography, professional color graded, 8K, F2.4, 35mm, <lora:promptsgirl_v21Cute:0.7>
  • Negative Prompt
    (worst quality, low quality:1.4), easynegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t
  • Info
    Steps: 30
    Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 2249058900  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 5c2e28a5ce 
    Model: henmixReal_v10
    Denoising strength: 0.25
    Clip skip: 2
    Hires upscale: 2
    Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B
  • Date 2023-03-30 09:40:20 +0900
  • Actions
  • Liked by
  • prompts

    프롬프트걸이 헨믹스랑 잘 어울리네요

    2023-03-30 11:27:11 +0900
  • 고도비만

    프롬프트걸 로라는 어디서 받나요? 시비타이엔 없는 듯 하던데..

    2023-03-30 13:12:15 +0900
    • 고도비만

      아.. 찾았어요 ㅎㅎ

      2023-03-30 13:21:18 +0900
    • prompts

      [@110:고도비만님] 앗 댓글달러 들어왔는데 벌써 찾으셨네요

      2023-03-30 13:24:37 +0900