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Prompter: AlwaysSomewhere https://prompts.co.kr/AlwaysSomewhere

Picture's Description

woman in profile

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    (best quality, masterpiece:1.4), (ultra realistic detail, monochrome:1.2), (film grain, Fujifilm XT3), A beautiful woman's profile silhouette exudes elegance and poise with a slender neck, gentle back curve, and soft facial contours. Her almond-shaped eyes, arched eyebrows, and slightly parted lips exude mystery and sensuality, complemented by her flowing hair cascading down her back. Overall, it's a striking portrayal of timeless beauty and feminine charm.
  • Negative Prompt
    (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (depth of field, blurry:1.2), (greyscale:1.1), 3D face, nose, cropped, lowres, text, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, trademark, watermark, title, (tan, muscular, loli, petite, child, infant, toddlers, chibi, sd character:1.1), (multiple view:1.6), Reference sheet, (lingeries, underwear:1.8)
  • Info
    Steps: 30
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 8.0
    Seed: 1254344574  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 458ebdd3ea 
    Model: henmixReal_v23
    Denoising strength: 0.25
    Clip skip: 2
    Hires upscale: 2.0
    Hires steps: 20
    Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+
  • Date 2023-05-05 17:23:41 +0900
  • Actions
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Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    (best quality, masterpiece:1.4), (ultra realistic detail, monochrome:1.2), (film grain, Fujifilm XT3), A beautiful woman's profile silhouette exudes elegance and poise with a slender neck, gentle back curve, and soft facial contours. Her almond-shaped eyes, arched eyebrows, and slightly parted lips exude mystery and sensuality, complemented by her flowing hair cascading down her back. Overall, it's a striking portrayal of timeless beauty and feminine charm.
  • Negative Prompt
    (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (depth of field, blurry:1.2), (greyscale:1.1), 3D face, nose, cropped, lowres, text, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, trademark, watermark, title, (tan, muscular, loli, petite, child, infant, toddlers, chibi, sd character:1.1), (multiple view:1.6), Reference sheet, (lingeries, underwear:1.8)
  • Info
    Steps: 30
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 8.0
    Seed: 348982843  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 458ebdd3ea 
    Model: henmixReal_v23
    Denoising strength: 0.25
    Clip skip: 2
    ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt
    ADetailer conf: 30
    ADetailer dilate/erode: 32
    ADetailer x offset: 0
    ADetailer y offset: 0
    ADetailer mask blur: 4
    ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4
    ADetailer inpaint full: True
    ADetailer inpaint padding: 0
    ADetailer use inpaint width/height: False
    ADetailer CFG scale: 7.0
    ADetailer version: 23.5.3.post2
    Hires upscale: 2.0
    Hires steps: 20
    Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    (best quality, masterpiece:1.4), (ultra realistic detail, monochrome:1.2), (film grain, Fujifilm XT3), A beautiful woman's profile silhouette exudes elegance and poise with a slender neck, gentle back curve, and soft facial contours. Her almond-shaped eyes, arched eyebrows, and slightly parted lips exude mystery and sensuality, complemented by her flowing hair cascading down her back. Overall, it's a striking portrayal of timeless beauty and feminine charm.
  • Negative Prompt
    (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (depth of field, blurry:1.2), (greyscale:1.1), 3D face, nose, cropped, lowres, text, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, trademark, watermark, title, (tan, muscular, loli, petite, child, infant, toddlers, chibi, sd character:1.1), (multiple view:1.6), Reference sheet, (lingeries, underwear:1.8)
  • Info
    Steps: 30
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 8.0
    Seed: 1984693198  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 458ebdd3ea 
    Model: henmixReal_v23
    Denoising strength: 0.25
    Clip skip: 2
    ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt
    ADetailer conf: 30
    ADetailer dilate/erode: 32
    ADetailer x offset: 0
    ADetailer y offset: 0
    ADetailer mask blur: 4
    ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4
    ADetailer inpaint full: True
    ADetailer inpaint padding: 0
    ADetailer use inpaint width/height: False
    ADetailer CFG scale: 7.0
    ADetailer version: 23.5.3.post2
    Hires upscale: 2.0
    Hires steps: 20
    Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    (best quality, masterpiece:1.4), (ultra realistic detail:1.2), (film grain, Fujifilm XT3), A beautiful woman's profile silhouette exudes elegance and poise with a slender neck, gentle back curve, and soft facial contours. Her almond-shaped eyes, arched eyebrows, and slightly parted lips exude mystery and sensuality, complemented by her flowing hair cascading down her back. Overall, it's a striking portrayal of timeless beauty and feminine charm.
  • Negative Prompt
    (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (depth of field, blurry:1.2), (greyscale:1.1), 3D face, nose, cropped, lowres, text, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, trademark, watermark, title, (tan, muscular, loli, petite, child, infant, toddlers, chibi, sd character:1.1), (multiple view:1.6), Reference sheet, (lingeries, underwear:1.8)
  • Info
    Steps: 30
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 8.0
    Seed: 4269002147  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 458ebdd3ea 
    Model: henmixReal_v23
    Denoising strength: 0.25
    Clip skip: 2
    ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt
    ADetailer conf: 30
    ADetailer dilate/erode: 32
    ADetailer x offset: 0
    ADetailer y offset: 0
    ADetailer mask blur: 4
    ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4
    ADetailer inpaint full: True
    ADetailer inpaint padding: 0
    ADetailer use inpaint width/height: False
    ADetailer CFG scale: 7.0
    ADetailer version: 23.5.3.post2
    Hires upscale: 2.0
    Hires steps: 20
    Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    (best quality, masterpiece:1.4), (ultra realistic detail:1.2), (film grain, Fujifilm XT3), A beautiful woman's profile silhouette exudes elegance and poise with a slender neck, gentle back curve, and soft facial contours. Her almond-shaped eyes, arched eyebrows, and slightly parted lips exude mystery and sensuality, complemented by her flowing hair cascading down her back. Overall, it's a striking portrayal of timeless beauty and feminine charm.
  • Negative Prompt
    (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (depth of field, blurry:1.2), (greyscale:1.1), 3D face, nose, cropped, lowres, text, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, trademark, watermark, title, (tan, muscular, loli, petite, child, infant, toddlers, chibi, sd character:1.1), (multiple view:1.6), Reference sheet, (lingeries, underwear:1.8)
  • Info
    Steps: 30
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 8.0
    Seed: 2349340731  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 458ebdd3ea 
    Model: henmixReal_v23
    Denoising strength: 0.25
    Clip skip: 2
    ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt
    ADetailer conf: 30
    ADetailer dilate/erode: 32
    ADetailer x offset: 0
    ADetailer y offset: 0
    ADetailer mask blur: 4
    ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4
    ADetailer inpaint full: True
    ADetailer inpaint padding: 0
    ADetailer use inpaint width/height: False
    ADetailer CFG scale: 7.0
    ADetailer version: 23.5.3.post2
    Hires upscale: 2.0
    Hires steps: 20
    Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+