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Prompter: Mardy Bum https://prompts.co.kr/Mardy Bum

Picture's Description

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 11798883  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: a79f8dda3d 
    Clip skip: 2
  • Date 2023-05-31 21:37:20 +0900
  • Actions
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Related Pictures

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 11798876  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: a79f8dda3d 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 2552172129  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 4902f48367 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 2552172130  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 4902f48367 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 2552172131  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 4902f48367 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 2552172132  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 4902f48367 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 2552172134  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 4902f48367 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 2552172137  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 4902f48367 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 2552172140  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 4902f48367 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 4271698371  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: ba8efd8cc8 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 4271698380  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: ba8efd8cc8 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 463169432  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 1e6d7d9b1c 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 463169435  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 1e6d7d9b1c 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 4211606969  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: a7a385a62a 
    Clip skip: 2

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, illustration, hyper detailed, Cinematic light, intricate_detail, highres, official art, realism, giant space battleship battle, eve online fleet battle scene, cosmic background, Caldari Spaceship, Amar Spaceship, Minmatar Spacecraft, Explosive spacecraft, laser-launching spacecraft, missile-launching spacecraft, Battle around the space station, 4k, 8k, hd, , Artstation, CGsociety, Alphonse Mucha, digital, realistic, full view, gradient, black hole,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 6
    Seed: 4211606970  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: a7a385a62a 
    Clip skip: 2
  • nyxs1669

    오오오오... 영화 한장면 같아여

    2023-05-31 21:48:37 +0900
    • Mardy Bum

      ㅎㅎ 내일도 한번 우주선 뽑아보겠습니다. 감사합니다!!

      2023-05-31 21:51:56 +0900