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Prompter: mokdongmama https://prompts.co.kr/mokdongmama

Picture's Description

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    ((styled:Pure+ultra-realistic realism),White skin texture,eyes with brightness),lightand shade contrast,high textured,ultra HD picture quality,tall nose bridge,dynamic angle,Clouds and mountains,Flower field prospects,Light tracing,realisticlying,offcial art,Unity 8k,ultra - detailed,Beautiful and beautiful,tmasterpiece,best qualityer,Glowing skin,cinmatic lighting,full bodyesbian,Side Body,naturey。
  • Negative Prompt
    (nsfw:1.5), (worst quality, low quality:1.4), EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, verybadimagenegative_v1.3, BadDream, badv3, FastNegativeV2, bad-artist, bad-artist-anime, loli, bad_prompt_version2, lowres, bad anatomy, ((text, watermark, error, extra digit, fewer digits, username)), (poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face:1.4), missing fingers, extra limbs, bad hands, bad-hands-5, Dutch angle:1.5, leather skirt, cleavage, tree, palm tree, long hair, extra long hair, double image, two girls, long skirt, car, human, (naked:1.5), (nude:1.5), badhandv4, negative_hand-neg, three legs,
  • Info
    Steps: 30
    Sampler: DPM++ 2S a Karras
    CFG scale: 10.0
    Seed: 2740119246  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 458ebdd3ea 
    Model: henmixReal_v23
    VAE hash: c6a580b13a
    VAE: vaeFtMse840000Ema_v100.pt
    Denoising strength: 0.25
    ADetailer model: mediapipe_face_full
    ADetailer conf: 30
    ADetailer dilate/erode: 32
    ADetailer mask blur: 4
    ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4
    ADetailer inpaint full: True
    ADetailer inpaint padding: 0
    ADetailer version: 23.5.19
    Hires upscale: 2.0
    Hires steps: 10
    Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B
    Version: v1.7.0
  • Date 2024-02-29 09:07:07 +0900
  • Actions
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