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Prompter: 별빛속엔 https://prompts.co.kr/별빛속엔

Picture's Description

1girl,leogirl,tsurime,solo,(smiling,happy),(bright red lips,blush:0.8),(supermodel body:1.2)Supermodel-grade eight-body ratio, huge breasts,(sagging breasts),braids,walking,pose,(multicolored background,high-waist lace chiffon dress with sleeves,off shoulder:1.2),,,,(dreamflower,multicolored_background,A melancholic autumn scene in a vast flower field,a gentle breeze rustling through the dry grass,fallen leaves scattered among the flowers,a bittersweet atmosphere,a moment of quiet contemplation,Soft and warm color palette,delicate brushwork,evocative use of light and shadow,subtle details in the wilting flowers,high contrast,color contrast),,,masterpiece,official art,best quality,high quality,highres,natural light,ray tracing,volumetric light,realistic,photorealistic,ultra highres,vivid,nostalgia,bokehwrenchrosettebloom

BeyondV3-neg,BadNegAnatomyV1-neg,NegfeetV2,ng_deepnegative_v1_75t,EasyNegative,badhandv4,rev2-badprompt,verybadimagenegative_v1.3,bhands-neg,bad anatomy,bad hands,watermark,text,(worst quality,low quality,normal quality:1.5),lowres,((monochrome)),((grayscale)),username,(2 girls,multiple girls),negative_hand-neg,

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    professional 3d model 1girl, leogirl, tsurime, solo, (smiling, happy), (bright red lips, blush:0.8), (supermodel body:1.2)huge breasts, (sagging breasts), braids, walking, pose, (multicolored background, high-waist lace chiffon dress with sleeves, off shoulder:1.2), , , , (dreamflower, multicolored_background, A melancholic autumn scene in a vast flower field, a gentle breeze rustling through the dry grass, fallen leaves scattered among the flowers, a bittersweet atmosphere, a moment of quiet contemplation, Soft and warm color palette, delicate brushwork, evocative use of light and shadow, subtle details in the wilting flowers, high contrast, color contrast), , , masterpiece, official art, best quality, high quality, highres, natural light, ray tracing, volumetric light, realistic, photorealistic, ultra highres, vivid, nostalgia, bokehwrenchrosettebloom . octane render, highly detailed, volumetric, dramatic lighting
  • Negative Prompt
    ugly, deformed, noisy, low poly, blurry, painting, BeyondV3-neg, BadNegAnatomyV1-neg, NegfeetV2, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, EasyNegative, badhandv4, rev2-badprompt, verybadimagenegative_v1.3, bhands-neg, bad anatomy, bad hands, watermark, text, (worst quality, low quality, normal quality:1.5), lowres, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), username, (2 girls, multiple girls), negative_hand-neg,
  • Info
    Steps: 30
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 7
    Seed: 2558144569  
    Size: 512x512
    Model hash: b2eb92023a 
    Model: henmixReal_v5c
    Denoising strength: 0.4
    Style Selector Enabled: True
    Style Selector Randomize: False
    Style Selector Style: 3D Model
    ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt
    ADetailer confidence: 0.3
    ADetailer dilate erode: 4
    ADetailer mask blur: 4
    ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4
    ADetailer inpaint only masked: True
    ADetailer inpaint padding: 32
    ADetailer version: 24.3.5
    Hires upscale: 2
    Hires upscaler: Latent
    Mask blur: 4
    Inpaint area: Only masked
    Masked area padding: 32
    Version: 1.8.0-RC
  • Date 2024-04-12 02:40:07 +0900
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