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Prompter: Nadaegy https://prompts.co.kr/Nadaegy

Picture's Description

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    (best quality, masterpiece:1.3), A girl dressed in a cozy, winter sweater with a knitted hat and scarf, standing in a snowy forest setting. She has a warm, friendly smile and sparkling eyes. The background features evergreen trees, snowflakes, and a wooden cabin. The composition should be filled with soft, cool tones, with a gentle blur and frosty effect to accentuate the wintry atmosphere. Capture the image as if it were taken on an instant camera for added nostalgia beautiful and aesthetic, official art, intricate details, ultra detailed, cinematic lighting, detailed shadow, beautiful detailed face, colorful
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, (worst quality, low quality:1.3), (nsfw), legs,
  • Info
    Steps: 35
    Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras
    CFG scale: 8.0
    Seed: 3991215873  
    Size: 512x768
    Model hash: 4f25065b9e 
    Model: newmarsmix_R11
    Denoising strength: 0.5
    Clip skip: 2
    Hires upscale: 2.0
    Hires steps: 25
    Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B
    Version: v1.3.0
  • Date 2023-06-02 19:04:52 +0900
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