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Prompter: Mardy Bum https://prompts.co.kr/Mardy Bum

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Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, (extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, best shadow), (chromatic aberration), (beautiful girl:1.5), (beautiful detailed girl:1.1), (ultra-detailed), ((cute face)), <lora:add_detail:0.5>, ((full body)), (( ((best quality)), ((masterpiece)), ((realistic)), An exquisite oil painting depicting a Touhou character elegantly dressed and enjoying a peaceful moment while sipping tea in a dreamy garden. The artwork is a unique art rendition blending the style of Adelaide Labille-Guiard and Artemisia Gentileschi with a high-quality anime art style. The character is portrayed with a beautiful symmetrical face and body, capturing a sense of grace and elegance. The composition follows the principles of the rule of thirds and golden ratio, creating a visually pleasing and balanced arrangement. The oil on canvas medium adds depth and richness to the artwork, while the highly detailed brushwork enhances the overall quality. The warm color scheme brings warmth and a sense of tranquility to the scene, evoking a serene atmosphere. The soft lighting creates a gentle and soothing ambiance, accentuating the dreamy quality of the garden setting. The sharp focus ensures that every intricate detail is meticulously rendered, immersing viewers in the beauty of the artwork. This masterpiece showcases the artist's skill in merging different artistic styles, resulting in a captivating and harmonious composition. on eye level, scenic, masterpiece )), ((caustic)), dynamic angle, beautiful detailed glow,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, badhandv4, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 7
    Seed: 1305181103  
    Size: 768x1024
    Model hash: c80a4a7b3f 
    Clip skip: 2
    Lora hashes: "add_detail: 7c6bad76eb54"
  • Date 2023-06-18 15:37:41 +0900
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Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, (extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, best shadow), (chromatic aberration), (beautiful girl:1.5), (beautiful detailed girl:1.1), (ultra-detailed), ((cute face)), <lora:add_detail:0.5>, ((full body)), (( ((best quality)), ((masterpiece)), ((realistic)), An exquisite oil painting depicting a Touhou character elegantly dressed and enjoying a peaceful moment while sipping tea in a dreamy garden. The artwork is a unique art rendition blending the style of Adelaide Labille-Guiard and Artemisia Gentileschi with a high-quality anime art style. The character is portrayed with a beautiful symmetrical face and body, capturing a sense of grace and elegance. The composition follows the principles of the rule of thirds and golden ratio, creating a visually pleasing and balanced arrangement. The oil on canvas medium adds depth and richness to the artwork, while the highly detailed brushwork enhances the overall quality. The warm color scheme brings warmth and a sense of tranquility to the scene, evoking a serene atmosphere. The soft lighting creates a gentle and soothing ambiance, accentuating the dreamy quality of the garden setting. The sharp focus ensures that every intricate detail is meticulously rendered, immersing viewers in the beauty of the artwork. This masterpiece showcases the artist's skill in merging different artistic styles, resulting in a captivating and harmonious composition. on eye level, scenic, masterpiece )), ((caustic)), dynamic angle, beautiful detailed glow,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, badhandv4, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 7
    Seed: 1305181104  
    Size: 768x1024
    Model hash: c80a4a7b3f 
    Clip skip: 2
    Lora hashes: "add_detail: 7c6bad76eb54"

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, (extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, best shadow), (chromatic aberration), (beautiful girl:1.5), (beautiful detailed girl:1.1), (ultra-detailed), ((cute face)), <lora:add_detail:0.5>, ((full body)), (( ((best quality)), ((masterpiece)), ((realistic)), An exquisite oil painting depicting a Touhou character elegantly dressed and enjoying a peaceful moment while sipping tea in a dreamy garden. The artwork is a unique art rendition blending the style of Adelaide Labille-Guiard and Artemisia Gentileschi with a high-quality anime art style. The character is portrayed with a beautiful symmetrical face and body, capturing a sense of grace and elegance. The composition follows the principles of the rule of thirds and golden ratio, creating a visually pleasing and balanced arrangement. The oil on canvas medium adds depth and richness to the artwork, while the highly detailed brushwork enhances the overall quality. The warm color scheme brings warmth and a sense of tranquility to the scene, evoking a serene atmosphere. The soft lighting creates a gentle and soothing ambiance, accentuating the dreamy quality of the garden setting. The sharp focus ensures that every intricate detail is meticulously rendered, immersing viewers in the beauty of the artwork. This masterpiece showcases the artist's skill in merging different artistic styles, resulting in a captivating and harmonious composition. on eye level, scenic, masterpiece )), ((caustic)), dynamic angle, beautiful detailed glow,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, badhandv4, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 7
    Seed: 1305181106  
    Size: 768x1024
    Model hash: c80a4a7b3f 
    Clip skip: 2
    Lora hashes: "add_detail: 7c6bad76eb54"

Picture's Exif Data

  • Prompt
    masterpiece, best quality, (extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, best shadow), (chromatic aberration), (beautiful girl:1.5), (beautiful detailed girl:1.1), (ultra-detailed), ((cute face)), <lora:add_detail:0.5>, ((full body)), (( ((best quality)), ((masterpiece)), ((realistic)), An exquisite oil painting depicting a Touhou character elegantly dressed and enjoying a peaceful moment while sipping tea in a dreamy garden. The artwork is a unique art rendition blending the style of Adelaide Labille-Guiard and Artemisia Gentileschi with a high-quality anime art style. The character is portrayed with a beautiful symmetrical face and body, capturing a sense of grace and elegance. The composition follows the principles of the rule of thirds and golden ratio, creating a visually pleasing and balanced arrangement. The oil on canvas medium adds depth and richness to the artwork, while the highly detailed brushwork enhances the overall quality. The warm color scheme brings warmth and a sense of tranquility to the scene, evoking a serene atmosphere. The soft lighting creates a gentle and soothing ambiance, accentuating the dreamy quality of the garden setting. The sharp focus ensures that every intricate detail is meticulously rendered, immersing viewers in the beauty of the artwork. This masterpiece showcases the artist's skill in merging different artistic styles, resulting in a captivating and harmonious composition. on eye level, scenic, masterpiece )), ((caustic)), dynamic angle, beautiful detailed glow,
  • Negative Prompt
    EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, badhandv4, NSFW, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), Cropped image, out of frame, deformed hands, signatures, blurry, bad anatomy, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, beginner, amateur, distorted face, draft, grainy, poor quality.distorted face, poorly drawn hands, blurry, low-res, disfigured, bad anatomy, draft, grainy
  • Info
    Steps: 20
    Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras
    CFG scale: 7
    Seed: 1305181107  
    Size: 768x1024
    Model hash: c80a4a7b3f 
    Clip skip: 2
    Lora hashes: "add_detail: 7c6bad76eb54"